Blue Signal Pets


Behind every hard worker is their biggest supporter, and in our case they are fluffy friends that love us unconditionally. Take a look below to see Blue Signal's pets!


Stella Walters

About Stella

Stella is a 10-year-old cocker spaniel, chihuahua, and golden retriever mix. She loves to go on long hikes with her parents and is always down for a fun day of kayaking! Despite being just 11 pounds and down some front teeth, she maintains that her primary love is still pup cups and turkey cold cuts.

White dog sitting on couch

Ellie Pelitera

About Ellie

Ellie was rescued from a house out in the California desert and is a true desert dog at heart! She's a Poodle/Bichon mix and LOVES to cuddle. Ellie will befriend anyone (as long as you keep petting her). She's happiest when laying in the sun and going on walks!
Penny DeVore - edited

Penny Alvis

About Penny

Miss Penny is a Miniature Red Poodle with all the personality you can imagine. We felt like we truly found our lucky penny when she had almost zero “puppy phase”, as she’s been whip smart from day one. She loves her remote work routine and knows exactly when it’s time for mom to hop on video meetings, AKA quiet time, perfect for napping. Some of her nicknames include Penny Loafer, Penne Pasta, Moneypenny, and Penny Lane.

Luna BSS Pets

Luna Fiore

About Luna

Luna was rescued at 12 weeks old in 2017 and she is a Black Lab/Border Collie mix. Luna loves people just as much as she loves other animals. She especially enjoys wearing funny costumes on Christmas and Halloween, making children happy, and chasing other animals around our property in Pennsylvania.

Molly, Pumpkin, and Winnie Grahl

Molly, Pumpkin, and Winnie Grahl

About Molly, Pumpkin, and Winnie

​​Molly is a 15 year-old chunk who can be heard yelling at me while on meetings because she wants to go outside. Pumpkin, 7, also screams often, especially if not closest to mom. Winnie is about 2 and a 60-lb flat coat retriever who is scared of the cats. Molly moved to Phoenix with me from MI and Pumpkin and Winnie have joined Casa de Ang via shelters across the valley. Winnie was kind of a surprise and had to heal from four surgeries before she could come home. She was found after being hit by a train in Tucson at about 5-6 months old. I wasn't really looking for any of these girls, they all found me, and make my home complete(ly messy)!

Teddy Walsh

About Teddy

He is a red poodle born in October 2021. Full name is Teddy Jupiter Walsh. He loves little kids but is still nervous with other dogs. He is very naughty and takes his toys all over the house. He likes running at the park with his two brothers Renner and Jameson and frozen kongs. 

Duff Cole

Duff Cole

About Duff

Duff is THE OG Frenchie! He is the epitome of a momma’s boy and is always at her side. Duff resembles the cross between an Eeyore and a Johnny Bravo – slow and mopey, but also total jack diesel! Balls are his favorite; he will lay with one in his mouth for hours on end. Squirrels are his second favorite! When he’s not occupied with a ball, he will squirrel watch from the back of the couch where he perches like a bird. Loki (his nonbiological brother) is his third favorite! He uses him as his choice pillow and sleeping companion!

Loki Cole

Loki Cole

About Loki

Loki “Hokey-Pokey” is a 2 1/2 year old Frenchie from the Capos region of Chihuahua, MEX. Loki was adopted at 6-weeks old and began his journey as a puppy with his new family in Carlsbad, CA, including his big brother Duff. Loki’s hobbies include breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. In his spare time, Loki also like to take naps, bask in the sun, or sometimes just hang out in the kitchen and wait for another snack. Occasionally, Loki will fetch a ball or chase a lizard, but he mostly prefers stealing balls or toys from Duff in response to little-dog syndrome. Loki is more of an introvert and prefers to stay away from people he doesn’t know…unless they have a snack. Loki is an aspiring farm-dog hoping to protect his family from snakes, alligator-turtles, hawks, and even trespassers…but only if it doesn’t interfere with other life obligations.

Ygritte and Sandie Sjurson

Ygritte and Sandie Sjurson

About Ygritte and Sandie

Ygritte (Left) is a pandemic rescue pup. When she’s not splashing in puddles or digging for treasure in her water bowl, she can be found destroying her newest toy and running zoomies around the dog park. She loves swimming, eating suspicious things off the ground, and derailing another dog’s game of fetch.

Sandie (Right) is a 10 year old rescue pup who loves to be on but not in water and can be found kayaking or lounging on a pool float in the hot Arizona summers. She’s extremely treat motivated and will steal your entire pizza if you’re not careful!


Kygo Capron

About Kygo

Meet Kygo, the adventurous feline with a popcorn-loving heart! Adopted from a North Carolina shelter, Kygo embarked on a cross-country journey to Arizona, visiting a total of 9 states along the way. This social butterfly craves belly rubs and can't resist the enticing aroma of popcorn, often mesmerized by its popping process. When he's not chasing birds, Kygo indulges in his love for chicken.

Gumbie O'Connor - edited

Gumbie O'Connor

About Gumbie

Gu​mbie is a 6 year old miniature Australian Shepherd whose butt never stops wiggling. He enjoys lounging in the sun and chasing critters in his free time.

Koda O'Connor - edited

Koda O'Connor

About Koda

Koda is a 2.5 year old rescue pup who loves to snuggle when he is sleepy and destroy plush toys when he is awake. Koda’s favorite snack is carrots.

Nyssa - Joel Scott - edited

Nyssa Scott

About Nyssa

Nyssa is a rescue pup that is full of sass and love. We asked her foster family before adopting her and the only response was "Shes awnry."...which could not be more accurate. She is smarter than all of us and she runs the house. She is Nanna to Patrick, unless she is terrified of him. Her best friend is Rafer and she loves eating tortilla chips. On her free time, Nyssa will be found chilling under the bed or plotting her next plan of attack...but if you do not feed her, she will let you know.

Rafer - Joel Scott - edited

Rafer Scott

About Rafer

Rafer is a Hurricane Harvey rescue that is fearless (except for baths, pools, or rain) and will protect our house at all costs. He has a powerful bark that has scared a bobcat lingering outside our yard as well as made us jump more times than not and rocks a mohawk to show off his toughness. Rafer loves to wrestle, lick, and eat the food. You can find Rafer on his free time barking at any hint of an intruder, wrestling a toy from Nyssa, or standing underneath Patrick begging for him to drop some food. If you need a protector that is loyal to the end, Rafer is your man!


Yadi Wagehoft

About Yadi Wagehoft

​Yadi is a 10-year-old Toy Poodle who LOVES to snuggle and hasn't met a person's lap he doesn't like to lay on. He is named after Yadier Molina on the St. Louis Cardinals so he is a big Yadi fan!

Buckley Wells Carpenter

Buckley Wells Carpenter

About Buckley Wells

​Buckley is a mini Bernedoodle with a big personality. He loves carrots, cucumbers, ice cubes, and ear scratches. He enjoys dog parks, especially if they have sprinklers and he hates the words down and no. He is the perfect WFH co-worker!

Mr. Will

Mr. Will Peters

About Mr. Will

Boxer/Pit Mix.

Mr. Will loves walks at the lake, riding in the truck,  and to slobber all over our entire house. He is a great dog that wouldn't harm a fly. He is 3 years old and we got him as a rescue.


Coco Peters

About Coco

​Havenese/Bichon Mix.

Coco is a true Velcro dog to my wife Sarah. She usually sleeps on her head. Coco is a guard dog in the sense that she will bark at anything that walks in front of the house and drives me mad. She is also a lover of the lake walks and scavenging for any food that falls to the ground.

Onyx Hutchins

Onyx Hutchins

About Onyx

My moms call me their little bat-girl because when I look at them like this they say I look like a bat! I’m an adventure dog and love hiking and camping with the family and all my cousin-dogs!
Fun Fact: My cutest trick is that I can whisper!

Arnold Viboch

About Arnold

Meet Arnold, the approximately 8-year-old Schnauzer/Poodle mix who has captured our hearts! At a compact 16 pounds, he's a dynamic blend of athleticism and affection. Arnold is the epitome of loyalty, always staying by your side and ready for a cuddle session. His boundless energy makes him a fetch enthusiast, capable of playing for hours on end. Despite battling Addison's Disease and kidney stones, Arnold faces each day with resilience and a spirit that shines bright. He's a true inspiration! Rescued from Halo Animal Rescue in Phoenix, Arnold embodies the transformative power of love and compassion.


Calvin Viboch

About Calvin

Meet Calvin, the approximately 9-year-old Cocker Spaniel/Poodle mix who keeps everyone on their toes! He's a delightful contradiction, effortlessly blending laziness with athleticism. Calvin can effortlessly run miles around the neighborhood or happily lounge in bed all day. As a master escape artist, we keep his GPS collar charged for peace of mind. When he's not soaking up the sun in the backyard, enjoying his meals, or playing with his brother, Calvin can be found snuggled up in a cozy blanket. Rescued from Arizona Shih Tzu & Small Breed Rescue in Phoenix, Calvin adds endless joy and mischief to our lives.
Tank Tani

Tank Tani

About Tank

​Tank aka Monkey aka Big Baby is a smush face, brindle French Bulldog. His favorite activities include taking naps (ALL DAY), chewing his bone, licking the kitchen floor for scraps, and going through the Starbucks drive-thru to get a puppacino. He is truly one-of-a-kind and the ultimate guard dog for his hoomans!

French Bulldog, Ziggy

Ziggy Jones

About Ziggy

Ziggy is a feisty 6 year old French Bulldog. At a whopping 25lbs, he wins every wrestling match and keeps his 100lb brother Otis in line. He may be adorable, but he is a real alpha dog. Ziggy enjoys wrestling and playing with toys.

American Pitbull, Otis

Otis Jones

About Otis

Otis is a 2 year old American Pitt with a big personality! His favorite things include long walks and snuggles. He is afraid of bunnies and squirrels. When faced with these creatures he runs for protection from his little big brother Ziggy. 
Vern Lawhead

Vern Lawhead

About Vern

​​Vern is a Goldendoodle who loves people more than anything. He especially loves his Blue Signal team (special shout out to Lacey, Amber, and Kimberly who have all cared for him during vacations). He was born on the 4th of July and enjoys long walks on the beach!

Latte Lee

About Latte

Latte is a 3 month old Holland Lop. Although her fluff makes her look big, Latte is a small dwarf rabbit but don’t let her size fool you. She has a big personality and will do anything for food. Latte loves to stand in her food bowl, flop in her tunnel, sploot in her bed, and binky around the house.
Khaleesi and Missandei Lathroum

Khaleesi and Missandei Lathroum

About Khaleesi & Missandei

Khaleesi and Missandei are both rescue Dobermans from Doberman Rescue of North Texas. Khaleesi is 8 and Missandei is 4. Their favorite things to do is lay beside me while I'm working and chase squirrels and rabbits in the backyard.

Poppy Cologero - BSS Pets - New

Poppy Cologero

About Poppy

Poppy is a shy but sweet 4 year old Jug (Jack Russell/Pug mix). We love stealing her moms shoes when she's not looking just to sleep on top of them and hates sharing the bed with her feline brother. She is a silly girl that loves nothing more than taking long naps in the sun and eating carrots every morning. Neegan loves to dress up. He once got very excited over a friend's baby clothes she was showing Bex, as he thought they were for him! He loves nothing more than cuddles, and if given the choice over cuddles or food for the rest of his life, he would no doubt pick cuddles. 
Athena Ackerman - BSS Pets - New

Athena Ackerman

About Athena

Athena is a 7 year old Lab/Greyhound/Ridgeback mix with a big personality. We rescued her when she was 1 year old from Arizona and she enjoys going on walks, running around in the backyard, and lounging around the house. She is a great big sister to her human brother and you will often see her "working" from home in the background of video calls.
Neegan BSS Pets

Neegan Macmillan

About Neegan

Despite being named after the bad guy in The Walking Dead, Neegan couldn't be more of a sweetheart. His tail never stops wagging, and he has a constant happy grin on his face, earning him the nickname of Chief Smile Office/Chief Happiness Officer in all of Bex's previous offices. Neegan loves to dress up. He once got very excited over a friend's baby clothes she was showing Bex, as he thought they were for him! He loves nothing more than cuddles, and if given the choice over cuddles or food for the rest of his life, he would no doubt pick cuddles.